阅读历史 |

第7章 沉没城市的中心(1 / 2)



1. 梦想深渊:R'lyeha 是一个梦想对其居民拥有巨大力量和影响力的地方。这座城市永远笼罩在浓郁而空灵的雾气中,这是所有众生梦想的管道。这些梦交织在一起,塑造了现实的结构,产生了奇怪和超现实的现象。

2. 疯狂潮汐:R'lyeha 潮汐的潮起潮落不是由月球的引力决定的,而是由梦想中的民众的心理共鸣决定的。这些精神潮汐在城市中汹涌澎湃,随着每一波浪潮而改变景观和建筑。建筑物可能会自行移动和重塑,街道可能会出现和消失,整个地区可能会根据城市居民的集体梦想而显现或消失。

3. 幻觉实体:R'lyeha 是居住在梦境中的一系列精灵生物和幻觉实体的家园。这些实体诞生于潜意识最黑暗的深处,表现为各种形式的怪诞融合,并表现出扭曲现实的能力。他们既受到R'lyeha居民的恐惧和尊敬,因为它们是这座城市集体梦想和噩梦的化身。


5. 疯狂的面纱:R'lyeha 存在于一个疯狂和理智之间的界限很薄的领域,一个人对现实的感知不断受到挑战。R'lyeha的居民必须在危险的心理环境中航行,清醒和妄想之间的界限模糊不清。疯狂既是一种诅咒,也是一种礼物,它使那些拥抱它的人能够挖掘他们隐藏的思想深处并解锁非凡的能力。然而,它也带来了陷入不可逆转的疯狂的风险。

在R'lyeha的世界里,现实的法则是可塑的,梦想拥有难以想象的力量,一个古老的宇宙神灵的存在塑造了存在的结构。在这个地方,心灵是终极战场,真实和想象之间的界限变成了纯粹的幻觉。然而,这是一个需要谨慎的世界,因为解开其秘密的代价是陷入疯狂。第1章 梦见罗丽哈










但当哈特利博士深入研究R'lyeha的奥秘时,阴影落在了她的道路上。马尔科姆·布莱克伍德(Mall Bckwood)教授是一位雄心勃勃的考古学家,他渴望权力,试图将克苏鲁从沉睡中唤醒。他相信,通过利用古代神的力量,他可以重塑世界以适应自己扭曲的欲望。






Maelstro Encve is a deep advehe heart of the Lovecraftian universe.

Geography and Location

The Maelstro Encve is a vast space that never ges like an iceberg as the environnt ges and evolves. You’ll fd obsidian ships and huge ral reefs that look like they’ve been torn fro the cruel hearts of a fn architects. In this nightare, the sparklg sea and phosphor flow directly to the be bead surroundg forest, and the perarees reach out to Wonders.

Disorders of Astronoy

Pure fear ca over . In this cursed world there is no lighteither the sun or the oon, stead a gg sky of the failiar and the ipossible hangs before your eyes. With puffy eyes, lookg down rcilessly, a group of snakes shiver and screa, revealg the ighty and unknows of nature.

They are crazy people

The residents of the Maelstrion were as chaotic as the region itself. It is ho to a onsters, onsters fro the deepest depths, huble Isis, and new onsters born fro the surroundg darkness. These anials are cled to serve older people who do not always uand. They ay vite terested researchers to participatestrange cereohat proise enlightennt butultiately lead to sanity.

It was a turbulent ti

The ti here is fractured and unstable, creatg the strangeness of a strai. Guestset the ghosts of their aors or see the dark side of the future. Unpreted eventsbe disruptive, and eivity transits vibrations over ti, disruptg history and the future.

A stupid word

icationthe Maelstro Encve is not easy. Many tis the people of this untry speaka nguage that the people do not uand. Uandg these strange words requires a deeper uandg of the adness prevalentthis untry. Masterg stupid nguageru your purity, but ithelp you disver the hidden truths of the universe.

A bad product

Renants and unknown objects were scattered throughout the Whirlpool ehese aweso artifacts have the power to distort reality, but their ebe destructive. The punch that captures forbidden ration straight to the bra is a irror that irrors reality with a feles.

The unspeakable truth.

Crazy Geotry: The fabric of space ti is distortedLurasia. Cities and pces see to have been built by the iagation of ad architects. This path ets at a non-Euclidean angle, leadg the traveler to an ipossible path. The cloudsthe sky are nstantly gg te lors and ysterio shapes.

Crazy Pnts: Laresia is full of gigantits, so of which see to be associated with the tent of the evil leader Cthulhu. These ic wrklesdrive people crazy if touched or haled. In the ld screag forest, the trees are whisperg terrible secretstheir ouths.

Sea subsidehis area is locateda rge sea that is nstantly under pressure fro the weight of surface water. Ruizia residents often pass through flooded chabers and tunnels hidden by strange sea creatures.

Mystery: The people of Laresia scerely worship Cthulhu, but their uandg of the unit is fragnted and uhrough agical rituals and agical skills, he was able to terpret Cthulhu’s dreas and see fotten knowledge.

Eternity: Ti is an abstraceptRuizia. The day ay st forever, but a few utes go by. Experiences and ories are brred, past and present distguishable, and natives nfed.

Dreay Architecture: Rajesha’s architecture isbeeen nightares and fever dreas. These structures are built around huge ral reefs that often bend and vibrate with their own livg energy, defyg the ws of sce.

Cosita: The universe of Leyesia is full of evil begs who sp and dahe sky. If these anials are dangero

Dengaiap keterangan terkod daiap pisan uh Eerbuka, Thurston njadi lebih jauh sudut da jargan Kosik ana-ai dan kebenaran utaa Penjesan yang dia tentukan adah seperti buka kotak Pandora, batalkan rahsia yang, seteh diteukan, tidak pernah boleh dipakan

Bab i da kisah perkhidatan jurnal Thurston sebagai ujian untuk pebeliaahuan yang tidak berhubungan, pebelian yang leparkan sebagai pebelian asan dan dihantar da hati yang tidak diketahui Da ukan penjesan yang tidak suci dari Encve Maelstro, Thurston riksa lebih dekat kepada kebenaran eksksif yaak di tengah-tengah kerajaan a i, kebenaran yang akan sea-anya ngubah an keberadaannya dan tujuan - yang akan ngikuti an kriptiknya

**Bab 5: Bernegosiasi dengan Bayangan**

Da kroniki akhir Encve Maelstro, akaun jurnal Willia Thurstoerbuka Da bab i, kita nyaksikan pengaruh periodik Thurston dan turun secara perhan ke kegian yaukan pengejarannya di da kerajaan a.

Thurston, dipandu oleh ketiga yang tidak berkaitan untuk ahai dan isteri vasif yang dikuasai enkva, ndapati dirya di crossloads pilihauannya denganYitian, yang naerhatian ke da perut asa , teh berikan dia akses kepada ana-ana siden dan rahsia yang a hing pada asa

Ya, pertaan Yitian GREW, dan harga peahuan reka ditentukan sebagai pe kesehatan Thurston Penglihatan peradaban asadai genoik yang teh dibentuk sejarah teh diuji kepadanya akna yang tidak ukan ania da tapis besar Cosos

Sebagaiana dia ngabil perjanan lebih da ke da Encve Maelstro, Thurstoidur oleh Deep Ones, bahaya kerajaan air dan pengaian yang gang penglihatan a Great Old Ohe Deep Ones njutkan tawaran: reka akan berkongsi ipian reka, yang disipan oleh pengaruh kesahan kosik, sebagai basan untuk potongan-potongan higiene ang Thurston

Da asukkan persekutuan i, Thurston dipdahkan ke da a ipi dan penglihatan yaukaah a Penglihatan-penglihatan i ngungkapkan aspek grotesk, yang tidak dapat ncapai, dan aspek yang nakutkai yang nulis peahaan ania Dia lihat keka, kesahan priordial yang tidak punyai tepat da a asan

Penukaran Thurston dengan Deep Ones nyebabkan nabah penglihatan terrang i Beliau ndapati dirya terperangkap oleh janji putaran lebih njut, un sebagai tangkapannya pada kebijaksanaan leah dengaiap ipi gep Peahuan yang reka berkongsi adah lengkung dan hadiah, kata an dua pggir yang dipotong ke da pengaan yang sebenarnya

Persatuan yang dipaksa di da Encve, seperti dapak yang rapuh ditutup da pasir yang bergerak kegianya bayaran yang seak ngkat pada fikiran Thurston Dia naik jan yang jes antara kegaahuan daepatan kegian.

Ipak dengan Yitian dan Deep Ones wakili titik pgan da odyssey Thurston, saat ketika harga peahuan datang da pertibangan Perubahan yang dia dengar tidak tanpa urutan, dan dia dipaksa untuk nyesuaikan dengan kejar antara pertaannya untuk peahaan dan bena ipi buruk Encve Maelstro

Sebagaiana bab i da anul Eerbuka, kita nyaksikan perjuangan Thurston dengan konflik daan, perjuangan antara tahun untuk revisi dan pakaian yang berlebihan yang datang sebagai se penonton yang pernah hadir Bekas dia dengan bayangan, da bentuk entitidunia, adah ujian untuk sifat yang tidak berkaitan pebeliannya, pebelian yang akan bawa dia da ke da jar gep kosik yang tidak diketahui

Akaun jurnal yang nyedihkan Thurston yak sebagai pergatan peruan untuk narik peahuan terrang yang tidak dapat dihdari, narik yang rkan bayaran urutan yang palg besar Da k sekutu-sekutu tua dari Encve Maelstro, Thurston diuji pada pggir kegiai-hati da siks kebalian yang tidak berkaitan yang seanya ngubah jar keberadaannya

**Bab 6: Bahasa Kegian**

Da kroniki yang tidak nyebabkan Encve Maelstro, kai ukan akaun Odyssey Willia Thurston yang tidak berkaitan. Bab i terbuka sebagai Thurston terlibat da isteri esoterik Encve, nguasai bahasa genoik Kegian

Seteh rikan diri ke da tanah genoik Encve Maelstro, pertaan Thurston untuk tidak diketahui bawa dia ke da - bahasa yang tidak seperti ana-aahuan untuk peahaan ania Bahasa i, yang disebut sebagai Bahasa Kegian, adah tapis berlian dan perepuan yaar-putar, asg-asg ba seu dengan eko-eko kesipan kosik yai sepadaahuan

Pohon yaient dari Whisperg Woods teh pertaa kali perkenalkau i kepada Thurston Bahasa itu boleh dipahai, bunyi-bunyya ngandungi perasaan ipi dan orientasi Ya, Thurston bersag untuk ahai kesulitan, kerana dia percaya ia bantu kuntuk buka rahsia yang dikoncepsikan da Encve Maelstro

Penghakian Thurston untuk nguasai Bahasa Kegian adah jurnal arbitrari ke da abdon yang tidak diketahui Bahasa ditakrif konvensi bahasa awal, i kesipun logik dan struktur Ia adah satu cara untuk berkounikasi dengai yang tggal di ar sepadan peahaan ania, entiti yang wujud nganggap kesipan daakutan da ukuran yang saa

Pada asa, Thurston ngungkapkan kod kriptik Bahasa Kegian, bejar untuk bercakap dan ahaya dengan keja yang nakutkaiap perkataan sibolik berkebang lebih dekat ke abds, daiap perkataaukar ldungi fikirannya da seak ngkat bahagian kegian

Dengan bukti bahasa yang baru diteukannya, Thurston berkounikasi dengan penyerangan Encve adah yang fikiran asih hidup, otivasi reka tidak boleh dikukan - yang ndtakan tdak bas sebenar i da jenis, berkongsi rahsia dan kebalya yang nyebar batas peahaan ania

Penukaran i berikan Thurstoahuaang kebenaran yang tersebunyi dari Encve Maelstro, asalnya, dai yang hing di atas tanah seperti fakta bayangan Dia bejar tentang sebuah perptakaan tersebunyi, sebuah repositori peahuan yang bersaaan dengan btang-btang reka sendiri, sebuah tepat di ana teks yang palg dirang dan palg teruk nunggu - yang i cukup untuk utkan reka

Yu Lianyun nodded heavily and slowly clibed down fro the well with the help of o n, He Jiaan and Wei Jiang.

However,the process of desdg the ounta, Yu Lianyuered o kds of difficulties. Needless to say, there was fearhis heart. As I rose and fell, the light overhead grew darker and y ld, wet breath beca heavier. , fear is about to break fro the heart beatg violently, and another difficulty is the objective environnt. The ner walls of the rock are veredoss and an uified sliy liquid, akg it difficult to see the gapsthe walls. .

I don't know how uch ti has passed, but Yu Lianyun fally felt the ld water on his toes. Yu Lianyun was shiverg as the near-zero teperature traveled fro her toes to her head.

"I' done!" Yu Lienyun shouted fro theof the well, but when he looked up, it itch bck above, and the so-called rope around his waist had long sce disappeared without a trace. Idiately his bra went to panic ode and he felt like he was the send white woan. The only sotion was to block it. He alost lived and diedthis ld, leang on the bones of a woan dressedwhite.

“Halcation, this is all a halcation.” Yu Lianyun told herself that what she was seeg now was not real. If you cal down and thk carefully, you will realize that there are any ntradiswhat happeo you.

If He Jia'an and the others really resealed Pi's head and cut the rope on his body, the part of the rope around his waist should still be there, and the entire rope should not have disappeared.

Soon, the people above, cdg Li Jian, also disvered sothg unual below. Suddenly the rope vibrated and a huge force pulled on the rope oher side. This was not a noral phenonon.

Li Jian and Wei Jiang were uo keep the rope desdg. They walked to the edge of the altar and struggled to hold on to the ropes to fight the forces below. Li Ygqi took this opportunity to nfir the follog situatioarted Yu Lianyun, took out a DV with night vision fro his backpack, took a photo of the abyss, and o crawl.

I saw a faceless woanwhite clothes subrgedthe water. He then firly pressed Yu Lianyun's head and phed hi to the water, hopg to drown hi.

"Hey!" Li Ygqi's pals and forehead were srofely. He preteo be strong and clearly shouted, "Letgo!"

The faceless woao hear sothg, but she didn't ove. He still phed Yu Lianyun’s head to the water. He raised his head and faced her with a face without eyes, outh, or nose, as if Li Ygqi was the arget.

Li Jian and Wei Jiang, who were on the side, heard Li Ygqi's words and idiately guessed that there seed to be sothg underground. This put Yu Lianyundahey didn't dare to be careless. They pulled the rope tight to separate the air fro the ground. The existence of an unknown struggle.

“I’ here to help too!” Li Ygqi saw that He Jia’an and Wei Jiang uld only atch the power of the faceless girl below. He quickly joed the fight to save the situation. He juped behd the o n and fought the faceless girl below. The Lady of Death takes partthe tug of life.

15 blessgs spread around the world

Under nstant tug of war, Yu Lianyun, trappedthe ilsioed by the faceless woan, was also fightg with her ow.

He seare but to keep skg.

However, Yu Lianyun gradually beable to do what he wao do. After all, he was jt a regur guy and his water skills were nothg special.

I felt like I uldn't breathe and wao float away, but I sped when I noticed stroance. He looked up and saw a woan dressedwhite with red eyes, a pale face, and th hands h above hi. He tightened his grip around her neck, preventg her fro g up for air.

The ore Yu Lianyun begged, the ore the woanwhite choked. Gradually, Yu Lianyun lost nsess.

On the way to death, Yu Lianyun was once aga struck by a great spiration and once aga saw the ory of the woanwhite.

The only difference was that the ory that Yu Lianyun saw was slightly different fro theof the video he saw before. It began with the childhood of a woan dressedwhite. I also learned for the first ti that the real na of the woanthe white at was Yao Zhenzhen. .

Yao Zhenzhen's parents divorced when she was young, and she grew up with her father. Her father's attitude towards her was shy and she did not rearry. I raised hi as if he had fulfilled his life's ission, and after he be adult, I treated hi as if he had fulfilled his duty. Jt hang out around the hoe.

Ever sce her parents divorced, Yao Zhenzhen had never felt the love of her faily. For hi, his love for his faily reashis ory fro when he was six years old. Siple but hot. When he does sothg good, his parents sile and praise hi. I pat yself on the back when I get good grades at school. When he does sothg wrong, he hesitates to give a sall punishnt and pretends to be a ferocio an. Even the harsh sldg fro y parents is a hot ory of those days. .

After losg her father, Yao Zhenzhen issed her other, who she hadn't seen for over 10 years, and longed for the taste of faily love. After his father's death, he went on a jouro fd his other.

After searchg for ore than a year, he fally found the facehis ory, only to realize that his other had started a new faily and never had the urage t. He seed to be livg happily and his other seed to have fotten about hi. Now he has a daughter jt like her, but whes her for the first ti, he nize her.

Yao Zhenzhen was envio of her other's new faily. He oveddoor to his other's hoehopes of beg closer to herthe future.

However, Yao Zhenzhen did not expect that the situation would developan ued way.

He visited his neighbor as a new neighbor. When she nervoly visited her other's current residence, her other's current hband and son suddenly seed captivated by her beauty.

At first, his other treated hi very warly, but one day after a week, she began to look at hi with evil eyes, and sotis ed unpleasant words such as "whore" and "ebarrassg". Now it eits. , Although it hurt Yao Zhenzhen once, he was actually able to guess so of the reasons for the gehis other's attitude.

Becae durg this period, he beca aware of the behavior of his father and send son who were watchg over hi, and realized that their behavior was gradually beg ore pathological.

One night, he heard his ug with o n at ho. They seed to be argug about won. He uld thk of the woan as hiself.

Yao Zhenzhen was surprised, bd hiselfhis heart, a regretful, but he also felt a little strange happesshis heart.

When his other secretly spoke ill of hi, he rebered how his other criticized and bd hi when he ade istakes as a child. In fact,those dirty words, he felt the love of his estranged faily.

As a result, her other's attitude toward her "neighbors" beca creasgly brutal, fro verbal attacks to physifrontations, but she had ion of leavg and did not believe that her other had done anythg wrong. I wasn't feelg it.

One day, he saw his other e, and fally realized his istake.

I did. When at st he uld not help shoutg "Mo" loudly fro above the rpse, he suddenly saw the lifeless rpse of his other suddenly itch strangely, and then he opened his eyes angrily. , shed o les of blood and tears.

After her other died, Yao Zhenzhen was overe with grief and cried alone by an abaone wellher vilge.

At that ti, every hoe had water and pipes stalled. No oo the well to draw water or ata the well. Therefore, the aple forest has had wells st tis. A secded pce is good for sad people to relieve their sad feelgs.

However, sothg that Yao Zhenzhen did not expect had not yet e.

The hearts of a father and son livgdoor have been distorted and ugly for a long ti. Basically speakg, their other's death was actually their bad thoughts and as that caed this tragedy. After seeg their other's death, they seed to have a sudden "epiphany" and didn't see to feel uch reorse for their as. Sorry, they thought that Yao Jensen was the witch who seduced their souls, and put all the b on Yao Jensen.

That day, when Yao Zhenzhen was cryg alone by the well, without any warng, the father and son who had been follog hi suddenly juped out of the darkness, started violently, and the o killed Yao Zhehe well and sealed her away. . Save the t with it. Exit

Uhese e, Yao Jensen's ive eotions turo fear. The curse reserved on videotapes, which were popur at the ti. While watchg the video, Majestic's grudge bees a target and explodes...

"You are not the bad partythis atter. You are very angry and distressed..." In fact, Yu Lianyun floatedthe water and weakly phed the faceless woan's pal, I hugged her. No proble, you are entitled to do this. ”

Yu Lianyuhat the thgsher ars were rottg and fallg, but this ti she did not feel afraid. He jt sped and said quietly: "Okay, fro now on you don't have to stay alohis dark hole. Co out oh and hate the whole world to your heart's ."

Yu Lianyun stroked the angur bones, and Yao Zhenzhen's bones were peaceful and peaceful.

At that ont, a ld bck d rose fro the botto of the water, turo an updraft, broke through the ceilg, and flowed to the full oon night sky.

Thunder rubled outside, and a fat banshee-like screa rang through the sky.

Seeg this se, He Jian's heart trebled, and a bad preonition appearedhis heart.

After Yu Lianyuurned Yao Zhenzhen's body to the ground, He Jian uldn't help but grab the other person's chest and asked loudly, "What did you do!?"

“It’s okay, don’t worry,” Yu Lianyun said quietly. “I jt spread y blessgs to the whole world…”

Six Live

Yu Lianyun’s words were shockg, and He Jia’an and others’ expressions ged draatically. They never expected that Yu Lianyun uld do such a thg and that the so-called curse would be released so easily.

Facg everyone's glooy faces, Yu Lianyun was silent for a while and said, "Youthk of this as a source of blessgs. If they are not released, the power of blessgs will be unknown to . "Video Tape Like everyone elsethe world, they die uhe power of a blessg, but if that blessg is distributed to everyohe world, that blessg is fixed at o. It's not gog to explode, and I' afraid it won't. . ”

He looked serioly at the three peoplefront of hi and said, "This is the only way to solve the blessg proble. I hope you uand."

" you guarantee what you said? Who told you this sotion?" Li Jia'an took a deep breath with a serio expressioried his best to ntrol his anger and rea cal.

Yu Lianyun sighed. "I 't guara, and I don't deny that there is a selfish otive."

On the one hand, he wao survive, but oher hand, he wao save Yao Zhenzhen's soul.

“Yu Lianyun, fro now on you have been arrested. You will be sent to the toughest prisonthe Xuani group. I hope this world will be as you wish and nothg will happen. ” Li Jia’an looked at Yu Liandisappotnt. Yun, he ally noticed that Yu Lianyun was talented due to his ret perforances. He thought that if Yu Lianyun uld survive the "Seven Days of Death" curse, he would nsider rendg hi to the upper a and akg hi a ysterio figure. bers of the group.

Yu Lianyun reaed silent. He was ready to be iprisoned, and he was ready to die.

At this ti, none of the three bers of Xuani's group uld sense Yu Lianyun's abnorality. Only Yu Lianyun, who had close ntact with the source of hopeless blessgthe well, uld feel it. The blessgs spread throughout the world, but the blessgs that existed with the did not disappear, but only slightly diished.

He ight still die toorrow.

However, fro now on, no one will die watchg videos.

Fro this pot of view, he sacrificed hiself to protect huanity and achieved great suess, but there was no guarantee of suess.

``President L, I would appreciate the opportunity to et you aga.'' Yu Lianyun thought to herself that she was already practicg the ``best of both worlds'' approach that L Lg had ntiohere was no attept at all to resolve the grudge that uld not be wiped away. Instead, it helps spread and elize. This is the result that Boss L wants.

Boss L is not a good person. Yu Lianyun knows this very well, but she carefully rebers what Boss L always said, and she is not a liar either.

This also es fro his keen tuition. He probably heard fro Hyorphen that the proble was resolved and believed that if he listeo Ll's words, he would be able to survive, but fightg agast anoalies requires urage and bravery. He narrowly died but survived.

Now that his urage and ck are exhated, everythg depends oher he has ore pots at the life gablg table or better death skills.

Seeg Yu Lianyun with her long hair cut and wearg a prison unifor, the bers of the secret teacharge of esrtg her, He Jian'an, Li Ygqi, and Wei Jiang, returo the secret tea headquarters with ixed eotions. .

Returng to the headquarters, He Jian and the other three received hat the bers of the ysterio group affected by the rpse of an uified woan had all woken up today, and the vasion of extradinsional begs had sped.

Li Jian and the other three were also very surprised by this. At first, I thought that this ti it would only alleviate the halcatory state of the bers, but I did not expect that it would even "cure" the vasion of extradinsional life fors.

When this happehe three of He Jiaan naturally wao fd soone aigate. As it happehey were scheduled to report to the tea leader.

After the tea leader asks what happehis ission, He Jiang and the other three look at eation.

After listeng to Mr. He Jian's story about what happened durg the ission, the tea leader fell to a long silence.

The leader's silence ade the three workers feel uneasy and their hearts pounded.

After a long ti, the tea leader fally speaks and says, "The blessg ay have begun to have an effect. It is affectg the worldunknown ways. Those who escaped the fence of the unknown woan's rpse... , I actually saw certa clipsthe video.'' . . sshot. ”

"Didn't you delete the video!?" Li Jian'an was a little shocked, but then realized that the tea leader ight have dohis tentionally.

"Yes, but we have saved so photos," the tea leader exped, as expected, theont.

Li Jiang and the other three uldn’t help chg their fists.

"I know this is hard for you to uand." The tea leader g the three of the, shook his head, turned away, sighed, and said quietly, "Like our Mystic tea. People like you don't die well. If welet the die, theyfd a better way to escape."

The tea leader turned his head and ntued. "Their first state after seeg the s was siir to Yu Lianyun's first state after watchg the videotape. Every day they saw the ghost of a woan with eyes that showed the untdown of her life. But tally, after the day Yu Lianyun lifted the curse, they no longer dread of the feale ghost. It looks like the curse has really disappeared. Of urse, we ot guara. They are the iportant pot. ”.Watch it today. ”

Hearg this, He Jian'an's three people idiately felt solen. This is becae today is the day when Yu Lianyun's ``Seven Days of Death'' will our. If he were to die fro the curse today, it would an that the videotape blessg has not been lifted. Orary, Yu Lianyun Yun is a great achievent. Not only will he be able to escape fro prison, but he will also have the opportunity to officially bee a ber of the prison.

After a while, He Jian's three people, followed by a group of tea leaders and key bers of the anization's headquarters, ca to the nference roo and started watchg the real-ti surveilnce video.

The a character of this video is Yu Lianyun, who risoneda prison with no sense of ti. The other persoo know that his death is near and paces the roo anxioly.

Fally, the ont of Yu Lianyun's death ca, and everyoched the strange phenonon that happeo Yu Lianyun on the surveilnce cara.

Yu Lianyun suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked to the irror. Thehought he saw sothg approachg. He o back up and scread, "No! No! Don't e here. Oh!"

Aid the screas of pa, Yu Lianyun was suddenly lifted to the air by an unknown force, and her eyes turned white. The oppo's libs were destroyed by great force, isted, and fell fro the sky. He fell fro a height and nded on the bed, not knog if he was alive or dead.

Afterwards, the guard, who wasthe situation side the cell, ran idiately after receivg the order to che Urienun's current situation.

Theont, He Jian'an gasped as the three people present heard the voice of the pace guard.

"Report! He's alive!"

17 years old is not a big deal

Man's greatest fw is arrogance.

Yu Lianyun uood this very well. Although he knew he was ready to die, he did not expect that his spirit would always be overe by reality.

Right now, he is an ordary person who survives by ck, and he will o be an ordary person. In this peaceful but ysterio world, he is like a rat livga dark alley.

"Are you sick?" Li Ygchi asked anxioly, standg by the hospital bed.

After listeng to the other party's words, Yu Lianyun's dead face showed a slight stiffness, aurned his head slightly and said, "Okay, I 't die anyore."

"So far, your pn has been suessful. The blessg that was suppressg you has weakened, and at the sa ti you have saved your friends who were affected by the woan's rpse," Li Ygqi said.

"Buddy?" Yu Lianyun's eyes showed surprise.

“Yes, you are also part of the ysterio tea fro today onwards,” Li Ygchi siled. “When you get better, Wei Jiang, Tea Li and I will celebrate your arrival.”

Yu Lianyun slowly siled and said, “Thank you” fro the heart.

"Get so rest. I'll e see you aga when I've had so ti to talk to you. You're dog well, but it's not very huane. I thk youdo that if you don't have ah you." I feel a little bored. ” After Li Ygqi arranged flowers for visitg patientsa vase on the bedside table, she said goodbye to Yu Lianyun with a sile ahe ward.

After Li Ygqi left, Yu Lianyun, rapped like a uy except for her head, stared at the ceilg. The silence reded hi of what happened on the day the "Seven Days of Death" blessg took effect.

But if so

So, this is the pn.

Vespasian would not allow this to s his pns.

Therefore, the progra is well prepared.

It vers the etack.

(But that's not possible.)

Although Vespasiahat such a thg ossible.

But he never fot what should be done.

With such a pn, even if the eney is a hovercraft pilot, youdefeat hi.

No atter what kd of outside support Old Murloc received, he survived the evil god's sacrifice.

Vespasian didn't care becae he had the ans to kill hi.

At this ont, it sees that there is no parable power with and above the light of the star.

Teple divers sg hyn-like songs.

Uniagable patheredthe teple and o grow.

After three hours of waitg, Vespasian opened his hands.

He seed to want to swallow the power of heaven.

- He said.

"Ti to beg, Director Lurich."

Lu's secretary did not respond to what Vespasian said.

He proves it with his as.

The woan sang with an angelic voice, and the ic sounded like the sounds of nature.

I 't hear the ang of the words, but I' sure it's as beautiful as a hyn uhis beautiful tree.

It is a spirit word that refers to "God."

The spiritual power of the fite waters, the dive power of the sky, the darkness of the earth - everythg isthe poes of the author of R'leh.

Darkness ca, and the naless aster returned fro the depths.

Separated fro heaven and born fro heaven.

Durg the explosion, so great people passed through the world.

This great creature is like a diver, his eyes are like the sun and the oon, and every asure fro his ighty body is like the size of a .

The great soul standg here is parable to heaven.

The powerful agic power o pour out, and even the existence of the world disappeared.

This great thg was a god, an evil god, and a great old an.

An a ruler nad Dagon, an alien god fro a nd of dreas and chaos.

Fro the dark world to the odern world.

"Is this God?"

Vespasian ughed.

The aiden's song was sung ntuolythe dark and dap teple.

The iage of the evil god shows the sky, the earth, and the ndbeeen.

"Dagon, Dagon, God Dagon"

The divers were overjoyed and said they had t their idol.

However, the evil god did not reveal the good news.

"Dagon is very hungry."

The evil god raised a frtrated voice.

At the sa ti, bad thgshappen.

All life is quietInnsouth.

Even a sall isnd or the surroundg town.

All life is processed.

However, the evil god did not take Vespasian's life.

He witnessed untless lives saved by the evil god Dagon.


Vespasian o ugh loudly, whereupon the ed sgg and Luli, the t, returo her noral for.

"What? You wantall to fall prey to you?"

The old half-urko beca a uy.

But hestill talk.

The rpse speaks.

Instead of beg a rpse, you e agic to ntrol the rpse.

"Really? Only the es ca here?they actthis situation?"

"That's not true, this body is e."

The a Murloc rejected Vespasian's ideas.

"But if you want to live forever, isn't there another way?"

The old an's body turo ashes.

Two pieces of gss fell to the ashes.

Then the soul appears as God.

He is also alive and headg towards Dagon's body.

(Satan is swallowed up by God - the best oute).

Vespasian thought to hiself.

Although the suoned Dagon is not perfect, God is God, and this is a power that ot be untered by huans.

This is the firststep


Vespasian surprised the an who ran to Dag his life.

It sees like an unthkable event.

And deed, it is. Becae this soul was not swallowed by Dagon, but transford to such a cycle.

The orb perated Dagon's fad absorbed Dagon's body.

Dagon's eyes widenednfion before Vespasian realized what had happened.

He was talkg about people.

"Fally, I also gaed the power of God."

Dagon saida strange voice.

At this pot, Vespasian realized that one of the group was Dagon.

possession of the gods.

This was the ultiate goal of the Bck Sanctuary, but it was only slightly achieved.


"I' not good"

Dagon said as he oved, dev every soul and spirit around hi.

But this is not the way to satisfy his hunger.

At this ti, Dagon's arrival lete.

It is not enough to call hi God.

But if you thk about it, it akes sense becae that is the only uandg of the oral sanctu.

Call upon the gods and suon a truly perfect e of the evil god. The book Magid Spiritual Roots will show you how this is possible.

If possible, you don't o spend a lot of ti preparg for the Bck Sanctuary tutorial, it's enough to read it aga.

Dagon: No, not God.

Jon Bit, the st survivor of Inboga and a deon of the evil god Dagon, gaed iortality through Horcrux agid took this bodypreparation for the arrival of the evil god.

When he beca a deep diver, he learned how tod and how to be ntrolled by God.

The reason for the surrender of the dead is becae of the souls stolen fro the evil god.

We Need an Evil God John needs a job doh an Evil God e, and he has to do it.

If Dagon is not ed, even if he bees iortal through the agic of the Horcruxes, he will not be able to escape the terrible spirit and the terrible power of the god.

It is ipossible to carry the body of God.

Ionly aept such a pletely angless false god.

Although the evil god Dagon does not show his true for, he is powerful enough to ntrol the es.

If there's a reason, it's becae evil godsterferethe world, and they're jt es.

"Your unication skills are bad!"

As he scread, the evil god's agic turo a terrible stor, follog his will.

Like thuhe agic of the evil god lpsed to a terrible disaster.

Many rivers burst their banks and their bodies were sacrificed.

Everyohere died, and the hahe sky opened as if tryg to destroy it.

